Heart Chakra Meditation
Here, I guide you to look at your life through your own heart and find out how you might experience more clarity during these intense times.
I live my vision
Duration: 2,5 days
A seminar with individual treatments for your chakras and your brain with the „brain-melting“ energy, the golden fire from the throne of God.
You arrive ultimately in your BEING. You experience a real expansion of 360-degrees and rest in yourself. Peace is, love flows, and you feel free.
During an individual treatment with the „star seed potentials“ I open your star map/matrix, and we look at it together.
„Holes“ become visible that call for completeness. I fill these holes with your potential from the star worlds, the way it shows itself.
The seminar’s work will be specifically focused on the aspect, „I live and manifest my vision“.
In further steps, I connect you with your potentials for devotion and respect for yourself and your path and the respect for the path of others.
Let’s bring our vision into the here and now, into life!
Investment: 1200 €
Date: 28 – 29 May 2021
Location: Amritabha, Ribeauvillè – Alsace
Also possible ONLINE

Heart Chakra Meditation
Here, I guide you to look at your life through your own heart and find out how you might experience more clarity during these intense times.
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